Community Profile

Neillsville is located in central Wisconsin’s Clark County. The City is located on U.S. Highway 10 approximately 29 miles from Interstate 94 to the west at Osseo or the southeast at Black River Falls.
Distance to:
Minneapolis/St. Paul | 155 |
Chicago | 300 |
Milwaukee | 200 |
Wausau | 70 |
Eau Claire | 45 |
1990 population | 2000 population | 2010 population | 2017 Estimate | |
City of Neillsville | 2,680 | 2,731 | 2,463 | 2,431 |
Clark County | 31,647 | 33,557 | 34,684 | 34,888 |
State of Wisconsin | 4,891,769 | 5,363,715 | 5,686,986 | 5,795,483 |
Source: WI Dept. of Administration & U.S. Census
Employment, wages and income
Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing/Hunting/Mining | 2,561 |
Construction | 942 |
Manufacturing | 3,856 |
Transportations and warehousing and utilities | 726 |
Information | 149 |
Wholesale Trade | 508 |
Retail Trade | 1,403 |
Finance/Insurance/Real Estate/Rental/Leasing | 492 |
Services | 4,858 |
Public Administration | 374 |
Total employment | 15,869 |
Source: US Census
For specific information on wages, income and employment trend information view the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development’s Clark County Workforce Profile

Neillsville is located at the intersection of U.S. Highway 10 and State Highway 73 in central Wisconsin’s Clark County. Distance to Interstate 94 is approximately 29 miles to the west at Osseo or the same distance to the southeast at Black River Falls.
Rail: None
Air: Neillsville Municipal Airport (Airport Identifier: KVIQ)
Elevation: 1237, Unicom: 122.8, Green Bay Flight Service: 124.4
The Neillsville Municipal Airport is located three miles east of the city on U.S. Highway 10 at Miller Avenue. The airport, set among rolling farm fields, is one of the newest in Wisconsin, having been constructed in 1973 with the help of the Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation.
The blacktop surface of runway 09/27 measures 3,400 feet in length by 60 feet wide. This length offers ample room for most single engine aircraft, twins, turbo prop and some small jet aircraft. The runway is well marked with paint that can be seen during the day and with lights at night. Pilot controlled lighting as well as Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) instrument approach, make this a very accessible airport year round.
The terminal building is open to the public and has restrooms, weathermation system and telephone access. Local taxi service and courtesy vehicles are available for transportation to and from the city’s lodging and restaurant facilities. Airplane tie-downs are a lso available. If hangar space is desired contact the Fixed Base Operator.
The Fixed Base Operator offers a complete range of on-site services: aircraft refueling (100LL and Auto); flight instruction and pilot examinations; aircraft sales, leasing or rental; and aircraft maintenance. Call (715) 743-4400 or (715) 743-4700 for further information.
Nearest scheduled passenger and freight service is available at the Central Wisconsin Airport in Mosinee (60 miles) or Chippewa Valley Regional Airport in Eau Claire (45 miles).

Electric Provider: Xcel Energy
Natural Gas Provider: WE Energies
Telecomm Provider: TDS Telecom
Water Provider: Municipal
Rated Capacity 1,200 GPM
Actual Capacity 1,150 GPM
Water Pressure 78 psi to 93 psi
Ground storage capacity 55,000 gallons
Elevated storage capacity 450,000 gallons
Wastewater provider: Municipal
Monthly Design Flow 693,000 GPD
Monthly Average Daily Flow 432,000
Year facility constructed: 1998
Neillsville Public Schools -
614 East 5th St.
Neillsville, WI 54456
Phone: (715) 743-3323
Fax: (715) 743-8814
The Neillsville Public School system provides top notch opportunities in a fun and safe environment for its students. Besides many class offerings, the district has many extra-curricular activities available for students and families. Neillsville public schools work as a partner to local businesses and post-secondary educational facilities throughout the state.
Chippewa Valley Technical College -
Chippewa Valley Technical College has broken ground for their new campus in Neillsville’s Industrial Park. The new center will allow area residents and businesses to have immediate access to the latest training and technology locally. The college currently serves the area with regular classes at the Eau Claire campuses and special courses provided off-site in cooperation with the local school district and area employers.
University of Wisconsin System -
The University of Wisconsin system serves central Wisconsin with a number of campuses. Nearest to Neillsville is the 2-year UW Marshfield/Wood County center. The nearest 4-year campuses are UW-Eau Claire and UW-Stevens Point. The UW system offers many programs and courses to suit a wide range of interests.
Neillsville is home to Memorial Medical Center, a full-service medical facility offering a wide range of care for a population base of 12,000 individuals in the southern Clark County area with clinics located in Neillsville, Greenwood, Loyal and Fairchild. Services include: Cardiac Rehabilitation, Dietary, Diabetic Education, Emergency Care (ER), Hospital, Home Health, Laboratory, Nursing Home, Obstetrics, Occupational Therapy, Pain Management Clinic, Podiatry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Radiology, Respiratory Therapy, Speech Therapy, Sports Medicine, Surgery, Social Services, and Urgent Care.