Public Works
Neillsville Department of Public Works
The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining the City’s streets, municipal buildings, parks, and cemetery, reconstructing streets and utilities, and operating the City’s water and wastewater utilities.
Major facility locations include:
- City Shop @ 607 Oak Street
- Water Treatment Plant @ 606 Clay Street
- Wastewater Treatment Plant @ 805 W. 10th Street
Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Street Department

The Director of Public Works
Administers the overall operations of the three departmental divisions- Street Department, Water Department, and Sewer Department; coordinates construction projects with engineers, planners and state agencies; maintains all public records and documents of the department; supervises department personnel; provides recycling and garbage information; and performs the duties of – Building Inspector, Zoning Administrator, and Weed Commissioner; develops the department budget proposal for the next fiscal year, while controlling the expenditures of the current fiscal year budget to maximize the value of public expenditures.
Street Department
The department provides: maintenance and repair of street, alleys, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bridges, street signs, street lights, traffic signals, storm sewers, culverts, drainage ponds, city buildings and structures, and machinery and equipment; snow and ice removal, street cleaning, weed control and nuisance abatement activities authorized by the Common Council; assists with City events, beautification projects, and in the event of disasters and emergencies.
PERMITS & APPLICATIONS: The Director of Public Works must be contacted before beginning any work.
- Building Permit Application
- Sign Permit Application
- Conditional Use Permit Application
- Petition for Zoning Amendment
Deck, driveway and fence permits can be obtained from the Director of Public Works during regular business hours.
The City of Neillsville has adopted all Wisconsin Administrative Building Codes. Also see City of Neillsville Ordinances Sec. 10-2 through 10-4.
Garbage & Recycling:
Any questions in regards to garbage or recycling please call Luke Friemoth at 715.743.5678
Kid’s Corner (Scroll down for ‘Recycling Resources for Kids’)
Disposal of Yardwaste & Leaves
Disposal of Furniture, Large Items, and Appliances (fee included)
Contact GFL Environmental at
Phone: (715) 669-3868
Cost is $75/per item
To Report a Street Light Outage
Call the Director of Public Works at
(715) 743-5678 to report street light outages or blinking.